
We do have a passion for the finer things in life, with escalating expectations from sophisticated brands. If we chose to, the dollars we spend can be a vote for conscious, sustainable and responsible brands. Fashion has immense power. That is why researchers at the International University of Monaco are studying sustainability in the fashion and luxury sector. They are asking for consumers' viewpoints about sustainability in a survey. Please consider taking the survey, and sharing with colleagues, contacts and friends.

Here is a link to the research survey. Let's see what consumers feel about sustainability. Please let your friends know that the survey will help sustainability researchers, it takes about 10 minutes, and is formatted for computer, and not cell phone or tablet use. There is an incentive to complete the survey by February 27 as the researchers are giving away one new Hermes silk scarf to one lucky respondent at the end of February! 

Clink this LINK to complete the survey and enter to win!

Many thanks!

Judi Hepner and the Styleista Team