Once we arrived in Palm Springs we headed directly to one of our favourite starting spots, Tommy Bahama's on El Paseo. You may think it sounds like a hang out for silver hairs (no disrespect intended) but it has the best patio, salads and cocktails to get us into vacation mode.
(L-R) Carmen, Brad, Brenna, Phaedra, Marina & Michelle
This year we made it more of a group trip with 3 other gfs and once very patient husband who actually ended up being forced to be our part time photographer, thanks Brad! So we shook off the travel stiffness, sipped our various bevvies and relaxed into the desert heat.
From there we headed to our friends gorgeous home, in La Quinta and got settled by the pool for the later part of the day. We then found out our fellow YYC friend Ania B and her hubby, Tyler were also in town so we made plans to meet up with them. After spending at least an hour trying to figure out what, if anything in the greater Coachella Valley was open, we found out pretty much only one place was, The Nest. Think Calgary's The Trop but in the desert. Lol! It's a bit cheesy and super random but they were open so we went. Added bonus was that we ended up sitting right next to the Weeknd and Bella Hadid.
Day 1 - Festival #OOTD: APT 22, Wysh Collective, and some of our own.
Prior to heading to the festival we made Brad take pics of us haha!
#BTS - Brad looking all pro cameraman
Being responsible individuals we parked the SUV and took the shuttles which was the first time we had done this and surprisingly it was a very seamless process. Arriving at the festival and going through VIP was not however but we did get some good C list reality TV star-spotting in while waiting...we see you RKOBH cast!
We also had the pleasure of taking of Flare Magazine's Snapchat for the entire weekend!
Once we finally were in we spent most of our time in the VIP area because you have the best view of the main stage. Plus there was just tons of celeb spotting that night, more then the other two for sure. Lenny Kravitz photobombed us, well maybe we made that happen ;)
Oh hey!
Recreating our first Coachella pic (2015)
Free People Dress (APT22), WYSH Collective Wrap Chain, Ray Ban Sunglasses
APT22 Top, UO Bra, Aldo Sunglasses
To sum up day 1, we would say the music was epic; M83, Ellie Goulding, LCD and Purity Ring. The celeb spotting was on lock; Lenny, Jude Law, Chanel Iman, Scott Disick, Tyson Beckford. And our crew was the bomb!
Day 2 + 3: To be continued...
XO, Phae